Let's Talk About Manga Again

30.7.10 2 komentar
I love drawing so much
I found this picture in here

Hello there! Now I would like to share one of my hobbies, drawing manga! I miss this moment so much!

I used to draw manga every day before. But, now I can't do that because I am in college now, and I have to prepare how to be a good medical student and a good doctor. But, now I am in a free time, in holiday! Yey! So I can do everything I want!

Few days ago, when I was blogwalking, I found one site that remembered me how to draw manga. You can find that blog in here! Then I suddenly wanted to draw manga again. But now, I dont have my pen to draw, don't have money either (yes, this is a life of poor girl in the end of the month). So I seek my sketch book and want to fix my recent manga I've drawn. So, ta-da! These are them! All of them is related with me and my hobbies!

hoop la! love strawberries!

I love playing keyboard and piano

It's a drawing of my ex-SGD
(small group discussion)
Love them so much!
I miss moment with them.

So, what is your opinion? Not good actually. But this is my hobby that can make me never want to do anything else and I use to draw manga since I was 3 yo (My Mom told me that, but I am not sure about the truth). Hohoho. Need you comments guys ^_^

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