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credit: as tagged, amilovekorea.blogspot.com, reuploaded by sakuraiayumi.blogspot.com/please do not hot link! |
Hello, hello! *nyanyi Hello-nya SHINee sambil nari Ring Ding Dong* Ini saya tadi maen-maen ke fan page SHAWOL BALI di Facebook and nemu sesuatu yang bagus, kekeke. Apaan sih? Let's check it out!
2011.03.27- More UFO Replies from Jonghyun SHINee
2011.03.27 22:31
[FAN]: Oppas, I'm so bored. Come and play with me~~>3<
[Jonghyun] Quickly go to sleep! ke
2011.03.27 22:31
[FAN]: Oppas, I'm so bored. Come and play with me~~>3<
[Jonghyun] Sleep. Didn't you say you need to go to school.
2011.03.27 22:51
[FAN]: Oppa what should I do? Need to hide ㅠㅠ I'm going ㅠㅠ
[Jonghyun] kekekeke good night
2011.03.27 22:52
[FAN]: Kim Jong!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyunee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oppa
[Jonghyun] Yes Yes
2011.03.27 22:53
[FAN]: Sending again oppa ♥♥ oppa >< I'm also Hyun, oppa is Hyun!! Wow we're Hyunee couple!
[Jonghyun] Ho ho ho
2011.03.27 22:56
[FAN] Ah really. Oppa always rush me keke. Oppa's UFO, apart from sleeping, is there nothing else. I'm not sleeping keke
[Jonghyun] Good night ke
2011.03.27 22:56
[FAN] Hahaha keke oppa please say something sweet to me ♥♥ (as a) love serenade~~♥♥
[Jonghyun] Good night
2011.03.27 23:00
[FAN] Ah Ah Don't say Good Night. I'm still awake and play with me for one more hour. Oppa, it's boring being alone right?
[Jonghyun] No, not bored
2011.03.27 23:03
[FAN]: Eh, if you're not bored why are you replying my UFO? Not bored?? Indeed ^^ I miss oppa ♥ ke
[Jonghyun] Haha Me too
source: shakizi
chinese trans: bobohero@wb
eng trans: vivz@soompi
shared by: vivz@soompi and SHAWOL Bali @facebook
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